Monday, October 01, 2012

News & No News

The news is that I've spoken to the cancer nurse this morning and I now have an appointment to see Dr Bailey (my original consultant) on Friday afternoon.  But they still haven't had the biopsy results from the labs at Wythenshawe.  Not sure what all this is about but little I can do until someone is willing to tell me something.  Hopefully that will now happen on Friday.
She also confirmed that the phrase in my Disability Living Allowance award that I get the higher award "because you are virtually unable to walk" is just the standard phraseology and that the claim was properly made.  But if it is just standard wording then that seems wrong too.  Why would they have that as standard wording?  My Team member who used to work for the DWP confirmed that that was the case too.  Bizarre.

Aged Ps have decided to come back up on Thursday so that they're here when I get the results.

Not feeling grand at the moment but I had a good night and I've had some breakfast but no lunch yet.  Will try and have an Ensure once I feel a little better.  On the suggestions front, thank you for those (whether on here - Paul & Maggie - or by text - Ev).  Looking forward to lots of tasty treats now.  :-)  That's all bunnies.  J x

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