Tuesday, October 30, 2012

To Dust or Not To Dust...

... not really a question, more of an imperative.  Madame La T arrives on Thursday and we know how demanding she can be with those white gloves of hers.

Slept really well last night (in bed again).  Truth be told I was quite knackered from my little outing yesterday.  My walk only lasted about half an hour yet was tiring.  I am most definitely not suggesting that lunch with my management colleagues was what knackered me!

Am frustrated now by not knowing when my chemotherapy will start.  And I feel guilty on the days when I feel OK that I'm not in work.  But given the up and down nature of how I feel I don't think it would be practical to go back at the moment and I'm probably better waiting for the chemo to be done and dusted first anyway.  Hopefully it won't be too long.

Given my weight loss I have had to purchase new jeans.  Those lovely people at Burberry are sending me two pairs as I type.  I'm tracking them online and they left London yesterday and travelled to Gateshead then to Preston and finally to Manchester overnight.  Apparently  they were dispatched for delivery at 0517 this morning but they're not here yet.  Going out with DD later to Platt Fields (she insists on me getting some exercise) and I'd like to wear them then.  So hurry up Burberry-people.

As news comes in today I'll keep you updated.  That's all.  J x


fig said...

Two pairs of Burberry Jeans? I hope you're not going all TOWIE on us.

Jonathan said...

To be honest, I'm not sure how one would do that. But Burberry jeans are a good fit on me apart from the fact that the 34" waist is now just too big. I've now lost about 2 stone - luckily appear to have stabilised at this weight loss. 2 pairs with 32" waists should see me through the winter at least... J x