Monday, October 15, 2012

Worser & Worser

Last night was a bit of a nightmare.  Pain kicked in early - about 2300 and stayed with me until about 0400.  Managed a couple of hours sleep after that but then needed to be up to see the Aged Ps off this morning.  Have decided to try another day without solid food today to see if there's any improvement.  Thank God for Ensure Plus or this really would be awful (assuming its the solid food interfering with my hernia).  Have also made a GP appointment for tomorrow afternoon to see about getting referred back to the hernia specialist.  My feeling is I'll need to have surgery to fix this and I can't continue to hang around whilst they "sort my cancer out".  Will also see GP about additional morphine - hope he doesn't get arsey about it (they can be funny about morphine sometimes: addiction issues and all that).

DD has already looked in on me to check I'm alright despite Aged Ps only having got on their train half an hour ago!  And am meeting a mate from work at 1330 for coffee.  Have decided to limit myself to one visit/meeting per day as otherwise I tend to get over tired which isn't good on top of the pain issues.

But on the bright side, I'm feeling OK now. No pain at the moment and I haven't had any painkillers since 0330 this morning.  No idea how that works.  I used to take more than this before the cancer just for my back...

Anyway, that's all for now.  Hope you are all well and saw that bloke jumping out of the balloon and falling to earth.  Truly staggering TV footage.  Took my breath away.  Good for him.  J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Dear Jonno,
Is there a possibility that some of the pain may be from being in a prone position? You seem to get most pain at night and hernias are generally bastards when lying down. Am sure you have already investigated this aspect, but anything is worth a try when you are in such pain.
Am thinking of you and check your blog daily for your current status, as do so many of your friends. Big hugs, darling. xx

Jonathan said...

Well here I am again, unable to sleep due to the pain. Just having Ensure Plus did help during the day - the pain wasn't too bad - but I fear Nanny could be right and that I need to learn to sleep standing up. To be fair I do try and prop myself up in bed but tend to slip down once I fall asleep. I suppose I could try strapping myself to the headboard but I'm not sure that's an avenue I want to explore again... :-) J x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

W-e-e-l-l, the usual practice is to prop up the head end of the bed but if being strapped to the headboard is your thang, who am I to criticise?
I'd really rather you didn't try to sleep standing up - it didn't do Eliz I much good, and she was a real queen...