Sunday, October 07, 2012

Okey Smokey Day

So yesterday was OK but then it did involve 2 hits of morphine.  One in the morning and one to get me through the night.  But that's OK.  That's why they gave it to me.

Am mystified as to why all my pain is in my abdomen and in my back rather than in my chest.  But then a lot of what's been going on has been mystifying.  The CT scan I have this week will cover my chest and my abdomen so that may throw up some answers.  I harbour a sneaking suspicion that my hernia is somehow involved but I'm not a doctor... And even if it is the hernia, it wouldn't necessarily explain the fluid around my lungs so wouldn't rule out me having lung cancer at the same time.  We all know how lucky I am...

A trip to big Sainsburys is the highlight of the day for me whereas the cricket final (on telly this afternoon) is the highlight for the Aged Ps.  Hey ho.  I'm glad they're here all the same.

DD is in (constant) touch and sends her love to everyone.  She's back on Friday and will be stepping off the plane and straight into my next appointment with Dr Bailey. God help him if she's jet-lagged...

And whilst I remember, I want to give a shout out (is that what one does on a blog?) to the lovely Debbie who I keep threatening to phone and then never do because something else turns up and I think "oh, I'll just wait until I've learned about that before I phone her".  Sorry sweetie, rest assured you help me simply because I know you're there at the end of the phone if I need to speak to you. Thank you.

And that's all for now bunnies.  Oh, apart from to note that its also Downton night.  So there's another highlight for us all :-)  J x

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