Thursday, December 06, 2012


So, much as I hate hospitals, I don't hate this ward. All the nurses have been very nice (if the usual forgetful - one has to ask for everything 2 or 3 times). I have 2 windows but no pretty views and a 'bay' that is almost like its own room. Was promised a bed on the chemo ward but that hasn't materialised and frankly I don't mind because happy(ish) here. Temperature has stayed down so hopefully monitoring will last only 48 hours. Had a visit from the lovely Ev this afternoon and the lovely Lesley is visiting tonight (not seen her for ages). That's all. J x


jw said...

Hey hunny. Love and the most delicate of hugs from beyond the pennines. I don't often post but I do read you every single blooming day, so if it's a day with a "y" in it the wensleywoman is reading your posts. Beaucoup de snow here the last couple of days, trop de snow even, so have been wearing my gardening shoes to work as they have the best grips. Sadly though they are yellow so until I can source some black shoe dye I'm able to lead crowds of lost cavers out of deep caverns by twinkly footwork alone. Not that I'd be in a deep cavern, having once had a claustrophobic experience of being trapped in a lift - in manchester. See, it's always been a significant city!
Once christmas is out of the way (christmas - bad time of year for santaclaustrophobes)I'll synch to your calendar and pop across to see you - always, of course, on the understanding that if you're not feeling up to it I'll turn round on your very doorstep and pop away again. Don't worry, I won't wear my gardening shoes. Or tell you anything shocking, such as the time recently when it was only an undignified crouch that prevented me losing my knickers on the pavement in whitehall in rush hour. Never a dull. Respectful salute O Great One and a big smackeroonie on the forehead xxxxxxxxxxxx

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hope you are soon back in your eyrie, casting a cynical but somewhat loving eye over Manchester. Am not sure if you ever wanted to be an adopted Manc, but I think you have developed a soft spot for the place. Hospitals, on the other hand, are always places you want to escape from, even though you feel safer there in the experienced medical hands of the doctors and nurses.
Sending loving thoughts to you for a speedy return to normal temperature and home.
Love, Nanny x

Joolz said...

Hi J. Am reading your blog on my shiny new Galaxy Note 2. Its the bogs dollocks! Love from Joolz x x x