Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Madam Expects

Thank you everyone for your offers of help today & tomorrow. I understand that Denise has put the word out that she's out of town for the night and that someone needs to take her place in looking after me.  Well you've all done very well, thank you so much. But I'm OK at the moment.  Have been to the dentist this afternoon(my teeth are fine but keep doing what you're doing - also got free mouthwash and a hug). I love my dentist. He's extraordinarily good looking and rich as Croesus (he's just sold his practice to BUPA). His original intention was to retire when he was 35 and he sold out to BUPA on his 35th birthday which would have given him enough money to retire but he's discovered that he just likes the job too much and so is going to stay on.  I for one am really glad about this.

The walk into town has exhausted me a bit but it did afford me the opportunity of a guided tour of Annie's (I was walking past and Jenny was sat in the window so I called in). I like it and hope to go and test their barman's martini skills soon. Also had the opportunity to see Sara for a coffee at Caffe Nero. She's fine and dandy as ever and has just completed on her new house.

I may have a little nap soon therefore. Feeling good today ( week 3 of my cycle is supposed to be my best - despite a hospital stay this time round).   Tomorrow is a trip to the hairdresser. I'll have it cut quite short so that I don't have to bother too much with it if it starts falling out. And that's all folks. J x

1 comment:

maggie said...

Hi J. Annie's is lovely isn't it. We're "doing the markets" tomorrow (we being me & Paul, Paula & Mike, Pat & Glenn & another couple you've not yet met) then going to Annie's for something to eat. You're more than welcome to join us for either food or drinks. I've booked for 6.30pm. I know Paula & Mike would love to see you. Take care. Mx