Thursday, December 06, 2012

Bad News

Following yesterday's good news things took a turn for the worse last night. My temperature spiked above 38 degrees and so they've brought me back into hospital to administer IV antibiotics :-( Hopefully they'll do the trick and I'll be out of here in a couple of days. I hate being in hospital. That's all. I'll update you all as things develop. J x


Joolz said...

Aw Jonathan, hope you escape very soon and that the antibiotics do their thing.

Love from Joolz x x x

fig said...

So here's a thing; you go up and down and we go up and down with you. It's a journey with a known destination, so keep telling us how you are doing and we will keep supporting you.

Hospitals are pants, but the best place to be for the moment.

Loving you, fig x x x