Thursday, December 13, 2012

Cycle 2, Day 1

Here we go again. I'm hooked up to a bag of poison in Wythenshawe hospital, listening to Rent through my new super-dooper headphones and feeling extremely sorry for myself. Fig,of course, will say that Rent will do that to you every time but equally it can be very uplifting I think. Sister Lesley says that today should be shorter than last time (even though the District Nurses cocked up the blood tests yesterday) which is good news. D D coming back at 1630 to pick me up.

Otherwise I feel fine though. Still getting the night sweats but talked to the doctor this morning and it could be the disease or the cure causing them. Oh well, not to worry then...

Yesterday was good. Managed a haircut, a manicure, a call from my boss and a visit from Lesley. All extremely fun apart from the manicure. I tried the people on Whitworth Street and frankly they're just butchers so I don't recommend them. Nails look OK though. I'm fairly sure my hair is thinning. Cameron, my beautiful, lovely hairdresser doesn't think so but I reckon he's just saying that.

Not much other news. Ma & Pa will extend their Xmas visit one day so that they can attend clinic with me and get a chance to talk directly to my consultant. Which will be good for them. nd that's all for now :-) J x

1 comment:

fig said...

Rent will do that to you every time.

And in other news.

Bonnie Langford sends her love despite your mean assertions.

And ... someone has made a clever video of Brightons Christmas lights