Sunday, December 02, 2012

Just Like A Normal Sunday

At least in the sense that it involved a trip to the garden centre. Me and DD traveled to Bents where they have taken the concept of Christmas decoration to the nth degree. The place really has to be seen to be believed. They have everything you could possibly dream of as well as very many things that have undoubtedly featured in some of your nightmares...  And the customers!  One might also believe you had to have at least two children in tow in order to gain entry.  Anyway, we didn't stay too long and I bought some Christmas lights. Incidentally, I don't know if anyone is watching that series by Waldemar someone or other on the Dark Ages?  It's quite fascinating and it turns out that the commonly used "Xmas" has religious derivations and therefore isn't sacrilegious or anything. Who knew?

Anyway, another good day. Hopefully this continues right up until they pump the next large dose of poison into my veins.... That's all for now. J x

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