Friday, December 14, 2012

Look at the Time

Woken at this unearthly hour by a second night sweat. Hope this doesn't become a feature. One I can manage but there are only two sides to the bed. After two sweats you have to abandon it and allow everything to air and dry out. I'm afraid stripping the bed every night is just not practical. All that washing - can you imagine?

Feeling OK at the moment but I know from experience that things can change rapidly so I'm making the most of this and using my time to communicate with all you lovely peeps.  Top of my list for today is writing my Christmas cards. I know, I'm late. Apologies if yours arrives next year.  I'll also need to venture out and buy some Xmas stamps. Ooh, maybe I could fit that in with a coffee with someone from work. Get in touch if you'd like an invite. :-).

That's all for now. J x

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