Monday, December 17, 2012


After many, many (many) attempts I have finally managed to get onto the blog via my iPad. Maybe I need to download a special ap for it on this device?  I've no idea, I'll try and explore this option today.   I also need to look into syncing iTunes across my different platforms because that doesn't seem to be happening as seamlessly as one might hope from an Apple product either.  Maybe my iPad experts could weigh in on this debate?

Anyway, back to the important stuff: the party. It was a huge success. Venue was fabulous, loads of groovy people turned up and even I lasted 2 hours! Most importantly of all, DD had a brilliant time and looked absolutely beautiful.  Stunning midnight blue dress. There will be a DVD I believe.

In the end I went with the lace shirt which was the right choice because I don't get to wear it that often otherwise. If I ever get syncing done properly I'll post a photo of me and 'er and you can judge for yourselves.

Health wise I'm feeling OK. Tired and that awful taste has started in my mouth. Night sweats still occurring every night but otherwise I'm sleeping well (for which read "a lot"). It doesn't feel as bad this time which could be doctor the lower dose, could be down to the weight of expectations or a bit of both.  And its still early days. Long way to go yet so let's not get too excited.  I'm just taking each day/hour/moment as it comes. And I think that's all for the moment. Will post again (iPad willing) later if anything else occurs.  J x

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