Saturday, December 08, 2012

One Minute You're Up, The Next You're Down

So it was all going swimmingly yesterday. POU doctors were here yesterday (the lovely Dr Peck - DD's a big fan, I'm more of a doctor Summers boy).  They seemed happy for me to go home today provided my white blood cell count was above 0.5 (it was 0.42 at the time). So had my blood taken and sent off this morning but the results aren't back yet. But the ward doctors aren't so happy to discharge me. My temperature is currently 37.3 (within the "normal" limits but close to 37.5 when we're supposed to start worrying). So who do we think are the toughest? POU or Doyle Ward doctors? I'll let you know more when I know more. Fingers crossed that POU come out on top though... :-) J x

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