Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Quickie

Off for chemotherapy today. Not back until tomorrow morning. No idea how I'm going to feel (apart from the back pain of course) so I'll update when I can. I would however just like to welcome Soozie and Nanny back to British waters. I know we've all missed their postings whilst they've been off cruising the Med. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hello sweet

As you say, back from the Med with tan, bottles of gin, several double chins (not that we didn't have them before) and a taste for being waited on hand and foot. It may take some time before we can revert to beans on toast...and after Italian coffee, Starbucks will take some getting used to. On the plus side, we shall no longer be known by all and sundry as "the ladies with the M&S hats".

Sorry we weren't able to join you on the blog - couldn't even read it thanks to some inefficient satellite configuration, or perhaps it was the IT guy - it usually is.

The combined chemo and radiotherapy sound v unpleasant, dear boy, so hope next 6 weeks passes quickly for you. As always, we'll be with you in spirit, willing you to get over it.

We are trying to catch up with all your past comments and Mrs T has a fun of little anecdotes which should amuse when next she visits.

Will speak to you soon
Much love
Nanny x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

That should have been "fund" but hope it will be "fun", too!

fig said...

Oh. Darn.

Those pesky IT NERDS - Nerds I tells ya! - have changed the settings at work so I can no longer add my pithy comments direct from the workplace. I might as well stay at home.

What the bloody, flippin', heck-a-rootle, hell is the world coming too?

Ho Hum.

Anyway, life sounds like a big fat painful flap at the moment my Dear Best Mate. So I advise a nice stroll down memory lane ... Come with me now to 1996, to the Queens Arms. Look at the horrid sticky carpet with the words on. Can I buy you a bottle of Bud? Here, lets stand behind this scally type in the trackie bottoms. Ooh listen to the Overture. Hey! Its 9.30pm and live on Stage ...Maisie Trollete! ...

Oh Bum. I thought Katrina was on. Bugger, wrong memory. Does nothing work anymore?

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Jonathan has spoken to Mrs T and asked that we let you all know he is still in hospital. He'll probably be out tomorrow if his nausea is under control.

No doubt he'll be posting merrily away by the weekend.
Nanny x