Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ow Beagle

What an exhausting day. It kicked off at 0900 with me having blood taken and then some sort of radioactive liquid injected into my veins. I then had to have blood taken again 2 hours later and than again 2 hours after that. In between these vampiric episodes I had my head bolted to a table on 2 separate occasions. It really is an unpleasant experience and one that I will have to repeat 5 days a week for the next 6 weeks. I suppose its better than dying though. I finally left Christies at about 1330.

I then had to have a nap by which time it was visiting hours and Cath, Gill and Denise came along.

And then it was time for Big Brother. Loved the house and the rubber furniture and the whole "outside-in" theme going on. But oh my god the contestants. Don't get me started on Shabaz who needs to be killed (or at the very least voted out) at the earliest opportunity. And before everyone (except Jane) gets snooty with me for watching it, its at least better than 13 weeks of football. J x

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