Friday, May 26, 2006


Is anyone else just getting a big pink screen when they look at the blog? if you are presumably you can't see this posting either.... ! j x

1 comment:

fig said...

The only big pink screen I've seen recently was the ar*e of a chavtastic teenager waddling infront of me 'dahn ver tahn'.

I had the misfortune to have to visit 'Iceland' (and let me tell you, if 'Mum' has 'gone to Iceland' you can bet your bottom dollar she's coming back without her handbag or loose change) and blocking the aisle ahead of me was girl with hips of such epic proportions that it was all I could do not to project a film onto them. Eeee - she was big - and wearing a pair of bright pink jeans that clung to her like candyfloss coloured clingflim. So immense was her bum and so tight was the fabric that ... well I shan't finish that sentence, but I thank the Goddess Una and her Holy Pincushions that I didn't get a view of the grassy knoll.