Saturday, May 13, 2006

So Sad To be All Alone In The World

Well, they've gone. My Mum was still feeling a bit icky this morning but she wanted to go home so that if she got any worse she'd be able to see her own doctor. I'm really pleased that they've gone since they really need a break from looking after me. And I know that I'm self sufficient in feeding myself and controlling any pain (and frankly, what else matters) but I still feel like I've lost my safety net. I'm really grateful for all that they've done over the last few weeks and I really couldn't have had better parents. So this message is just to say "missing you already" and looking forward to seeing you again on the 24th (they're back up for the radiotherapy). J x


Jonathan said...

More deletions than a cyberman on this blog...

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hope your mum is soon feeling better and hope you are soon feeling less alone. You have loads of friends eager to visit when you're feeling sociable.

What a sweetie is Mr Fig; I felt all teary reading his comments about your looks and how right he is. The innate Jonathan is the person we know and love - and bitch to - not just a cute face, although that is a bonus, too.

Anyway, inject a double strength fortisip and watch a favourite DVD - which one would that be?
Nightie night
Nanny x