Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Phew. Not doing 3rd episode though even though v v exciting. Ms Murray, you're welcome whenever you fancy just give me a call.... J x

1 comment:

Darth Vader said...

Was excited about Lost all day and then (lightweight that i am) I only managed one hour before I sloped off to bed and taped the rest! Have ordered the next 3 series of 24 on DVD from Amazon rental... how am I going to manage that if I cant even manage a double bill of Lost??? I mean if there is anything that could keep me awake its Jack and wondering why Hurley never manages to lose any weight??? You need to have a word with that guy J and fill him in on the diet tips cherry yoghurt and all. Maybe he will share some of his $106 million in return??

Glad you are doing better chuckle. nice to read all the posts.

And I always was told at school that anyone with a blood shot eye had got it when they peeked through a key hole at the girls and someone stuck a finger in it ... ask the aged P to explain THAT one!
