Thursday, May 04, 2006

Big Steps

What a day it's been. I walked into town this morning to vote (first time I've ever voted Conservative but a) the candidate promised to put recycling facilities outside every appartment block in Manchester - and therefore I get brownie points with Denise - and, b), he was the cutest of all the candidates!). After voting went to Starbucks to meet my Team Leader from work. Bought myself a mocha frappacino only to discover that my suck muscles seem to be somewhat depleted and the drink was too thick for me to coax it up the straw! A huge disappointment.

Bob was well and on form. He even brought me the latest Manager's Briefing Pack detailing all the Local Compliance changes about to be implemented in HMRC. Seems I won't recognise the place when I come back (always assuming I don't go off sheep farming in Wales instead). We even discussed the possibility of me popping in to work to say hello before I start the radiotherapy but I'll have to see how things go before I decide whether I can face doing that yet.

I then walked back to the flat. This was officially my longest trip out and I was knackered by the time I got home and had to retire to my bed. So still not made it to the garden centre yet although it was so windy this afternoon I doubt we'd have been able to do anything on the terrace anyway.

Sue called round this evening and, as always, it was an absolute pleasure to see her. Kev, unfortunately, was otherwise detained elsewhere by a game of snooker and a curry.

As far as the radiotherapy goes, I have an appointment at Christies on Tuesday to have the mould made of my head. Apparently this is to ensure that your head stays absolutely still during the treatment and also that its in exactly the same position on each visit. This ensures the radiation only goes where its supposed to. Also got an appointment at MRI for tomorrow to see the speech therapist who will check on my swallowing (memo to self - check on lack of suck at the same time).

And that's all for tonight folks (barring any late night flashes of inspiration). J x


Bloggerhead said...

Flip, don't you think voting conservative is a very high price to pay for a few bins?

I reccommend te iced latte at Starbucks for suckability, shouln't need too much effort as the ice thins it down a bit and on a hot day is a treat. I realise that Starbucks is probably politically incorrect and globally responsible for many terrible things but hell its great coffee. I'm having to put up with flipping fresh French muck out here !

Your boss sounds like a laugh a minute, brilliant idea to bring the compliance stuff. Maybe next time he can bring you a DIY surgery manual to cheer you up.

Anyhow well done on the long schlepp into town perhaps me and Nanny Ogg can come to annoy you (maybe revisit Starbux) in a couple of weeks when your laughing gear is ready for testing?

BTW did you read Stone Diaries ?(Drearies)? See Blog for reviews I was not keen, but It could be because I'm a thicko. However I am trying to better myself reading all these intellectual books !

Take good care
Dulcie xx

fig said...

Big Steps?
Well I guess a wasted vote is a wasted voter. I read that the Conservatives failed to win a single seat in Manchester, so well done you. Though at least you voted, which is more than 64% of the population did. Plus, you voted on the sound political principle of cuteness, which – as a Senior Officer in Democratic Services for B&H City Council, I strongly approve of. Would you really want recycling facilities outside every block in your City though? Imagine the crashing and racket as the sound of a hundred wine bottles being recycled hit your ears of a morning – and that’s just from your block. Sorry - your flat.

Interested to read about the head mould. Will it be sculpted in clay? Will you be able to keep it? Can we put comedy - Su Pollard - glasses and a Trilby on it after? Will a Radiologist come running into your room and say ‘there’s just something you gotta see’ and lead you to a blind nurse, who has made a cro-magnon version of your head a la’ Lionel Richies’ ‘Hello’? Oooh I do hope so.

Sounds like your ‘Terrace’ (some might call it a pocket patio, but I’ll go with you on this as I am your Funny Best Friend TM) is still a Goya themed vision of withered husks and stunted things in pots. Nice. Mind you, our allotment is much the same. Living – as we now do – in a desert called the South East of England and suffering – as we do – from the ‘efforts’ of ‘Southern Water’ we now have the possibility of a ban on water being provided to alloments, playing grounds, swimming pools or for any non-essential use. Goodbye Broad Beans, hello Has Beans. Goodbye Potatoes, hello Withered Tubas (co-incidentally the biggest worry for the brass section of the Halle Orchestra). Farewell Carrots, hello ... oh you get the idea.

New Head Suck-Lack? Recycling Conservatives? Withered Tubas? The World Has Gone Mad.

I am Tiffany Headcase and I demand to be sectioned.

Katrina said...

Frankly had I ever been aware quite how funny Fig is I would have dragooned him into a writing partnership when Katrina & The Boy were still in existence!
I think souvenir copies of the head mould should be available to all visitors to your blog!
Sending huge love and positive vibes as ever.
Katrina xxx
p.s Christopher Ecclestone has been signed up for a remake of The Prisoner by do the cult TV peeps out there in blog land feel about this? (I'm thrilled cos I think he's dreamy!)
p.p.s Have never got into Lost, but now feel moved to get the DVD of series 1 and see what t' fuss is about.

Jonathan said...

Know how you feel Katrina. My sides ache every time I think of him. Agree on the Ecclestone front. Lost certainly worth getting into. J x

Jonathan said...

Rilke? Is that the chap who wrote poetry in French and lived in Prague? How could they not know that? When you coming round baby? I have a voucher for £2 of Tatton Park fireworks and music if you're interested... J x