Monday, May 22, 2006

Shopping Costs...

... and right here is where I start paying!

Made it into town and then all the way back home again without the aid of any mechanically propelled vehicles. Due to weather though had to wear big overcoat so by the time I got home was hot, sweaty, exhausted and in pain.

Incidentally, talking of lower back pain, there's an article in today's Times that says that taking ibuprofen long term gives one a 30% higher risk of heart disease. That's better odds of course then the 50/50 cancer prognosis. So what to do? Possibly live longer and in pain or keep taking the medicine? No idea of the correct answer to that one. Will have to explore the possibility of other painkillers. I do know that paracetomol isn't sufficient on its own. I have to give up ibuprofen for a bit though whilst having the chemotherapy so they've prescribed me codeine instead. Unfortunately that constipates you. So if if the cancer and the heart failure don't get me I may just explode!

Although the trip into town (3 shirts purchased) sounds heroic I did have a rest stop at Starbucks (had the coffee without a straw this time). Which meant I was able to see the lovely Jane (all summery and floaty and cute) and the lovely Phil (not particularly summery or floaty but cute of course!). By the way Liz, better safe than sorry is all I have to say on the subject. Get thee to a specialist pronto.

Was planning a trip to Sainsbury's this afternoon for more flavoured milk but may have to have a nap instead. This means cleaning out the cupboard may get pushed back a bit (sorry Mum).

So, think I've made up for not posting anything yesterday, but may post again later anyway. Love you all. J x


newcastlewench said...

You need to get your hands on some nuts, darling.
Or dried fruit. Or go the whole hog and have some fruit cake, really solid packed christmas-cakey stuff.
Forget taking laxies to 'restore your natural rhythm', the gentlest & kindest way to keep the traffic flowing is nuts & dried fruit. Without too much gory detail, after childbirth (gaaah! ovaries!)I got put on QUADRUPLE iron tablets which is not just giving you a cork it's fixing it in place with polyfilla; when the pressure got dangerous the doc offered me pills but a kind friend offered me fruit cake, which saved the day quite deliciously.
So provided your tum is up to it, you need to go nuts and get a grip on currant events. Even raisin a smile on the way.

(PS - LMAO @ littlebabes - esp the 'accept this sacrifice' one !!)

Jonathan said...

Well littlebabes you made me laugh out loud. I too enjoyed the "accept this sacrifice...". Were discussing you today actually (me and my mum) as we'd noticed your absence. Glad to hear it was a technical hitch rather than a major falling out (you know what our family is like for those!).