Monday, May 08, 2006

Ho Hum

Nothing of interest happened today. Had some mushroom soup. Had a postcard from Spain. Did some dusting. All kicks off tomorrow though with visit to Christies in the afternoon for the mask making. Will update you all on that tomorrow. J x


Darth Vader said...

Dusting? Dusting? Dont you have special dispensation for that?

personal announcement that "Lisa" (under threat of being called "boring" which called into mind the whole "I'm not too sensible and I will drink a half pint of neat martini and end up talking to the goat to prove it" debacle) has become her alter ego and hero - Darth Vader....

mask thing makes me think of my mum. Has terrible claustrophobia to extent of panic attacks on planes etc and yet has some compulsion every few months or so to put herself through watching "The Man in the Iron Mask" whilst simultaneously hiding behind the sofa. Its all personality building apparently which is why she used to tell me rubbing salt into mouth ulcers was good for me and even this very weekend took great joy in making me watch the childcatcher scene from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang which I personally think should carry a warning from the NSPCC

Jonathan said...

Welcome Darth. Where've you been all this time? P.S. Aren't you dead?