Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Spent afternoon at Christies. Had mould made of my head - which wasn't too bad as the mould is made of a plastic mesh so that it was possible to breathe OK. Mould maker was, I suspect, a friend of Dorothy's and therefore an all round good egg.

Have to go back on the 18th to have the mould marked up (so that they know where to direct the radiation), also to have a CT scan and finally for a kidney function test (apparemtly the chemotherapy can affect the kidneys). My radiotherapy proper then starts on the 25th for 6 weeks. The chemotherapy is given in week one and week 4. The chemotherapy apparently makes the radiotherapy side-effects worse but improves the chances of killing any cancer cells so what's a boy to do? Keep smiling and swallow the medicine! (unless my throat becomes too sore for swallowing medicine...).

Ma and Pa (aka Saints Janet & Bill of the Bowling Green) will be going home on Friday for a well deserved rest from being saintly but will be back on their clouds with their harps newly strung in time for the start of the radiotherapy. When reading this please say "hallelujah and pass the box of wine" out loud to thank them.

The wonderful gift of La Gloria wended its way here from Newcastle (via Germany and/or the US I'm not sure which) and I'm as pleased as punch that it did.

Lost. Curiouser and curiouser. What would have happened if he hadn't pressed the button? Anything? Too tired to think about it now (3 visitors tonight and Karen tomorrow - I need to conserve my strength!). And we're off to B & Q in the morning. Yippee. J x

1 comment:

newcastlewench said...

O Great One
Today was useful practice for you. Once the establishment philistines come to recognise your true wondrousness, you'll be constantly getting moulded for posterity - a Lewis in wax in Mme Tussauds, a Lewis in bronze on every street corner, a Lewis in stone on the emply plinth in Trafalgar Square, and so on. You'll feel positively undressed without a swathe of plastic mesh and a straw up each nostril.

Hope they allowed you to exfoliate first.