Thursday, September 27, 2012

So Long, Farewell...

... well you know the rest of the song.  Aged Ps have departed for shores bilingual and I've been on a road trip to Eccles with Lesley to pick up a parcel for Madam.  Very exciting stuff.

Didn't have a good night.  Not pain so much as discomfort.  Assumed this must be related to the fact that I'd waited an extra day to drain but then did that first thing this morning and there was only a minimal amount of fluid.  Not sure what's going on there (nor indeed what should be going on there).  Must make sure its on my list of questions for the doctors next week.

Seeing Ev later and am interested to see how I manage the walk into town because once I can do that comfortably I can go shopping, or back to work or whatever... :-)  That's all for now.  J x


Unknown said...

oaky trying for the upteenth time to post.

That Wensley Wummin hass been keeping me posted.

Am no good with words, unlike the aforementioned wummin or you fir that matter, so consider yourself hugged, a ot

Unknown said...

Squeee it worked

Okay v sad women hear getting exited about something her pre teen nepohews and neices do in their sleep.

Hope you and the house etc weather (pun intended) the storms. Look quite scary.

Toodles for now babes Xxx

Jonathan said...

Hi honey. Good to hear from you. Squeee. J x