Friday, September 14, 2012

An Update on a Further Update

I pressed the wrong button on the last update (shock horror) before I'd finished so this posting is a continuation of the one below - read that one first!

Pain, you'll be glad to hear, has gone from its previous sites. And not just because I'm on morphine either. When I woke up in agony just now, the agony was in a whole different place. Which is a good thing trust me.  STOP PRESS. Alison, whom I was just dissing, has stolen/borrowed (the details matter little to me at this point in time - see above re "agony") a new cylinder from another ward and we're good to go to ride that morphine train to dreamland... Those of you with whom I've discussed my latest hospital admission will know that dying doesn't frighten me, being in pain and unable to control it does.

It also means that the other pain (in my abdomen) is related to this admission and not something entirely new like appendicitis or similar. Regular readers will recall that I like to "do the double" from time to time (anyone else remember that hilarious time I had chicken pix and pneumonia?). This is a huge relief for me.

Essentially though we're back where we started and another biopsy has been sent off for testing. Up to two weeks (and here's me thinking the summer holidays were over). Perhaps they need to send it for testing abroad in an EU funded hospital in, say, Ibiza and the tester is busy helping their mate clean up the bar tables after a busy summer season? Anyway, it is what it is and I'll let you know the results when I know them.

And I think that's about all I have the energy to post at the moment. Good to see La Wensley is back in the fold (see earlier blog comments). Sorry I hadn't got round to telling you personally before this all kicked off. I'll blog more tomorrow. Perhaps after I've had another SLEEP! But the little green light in my re-found love is flashing invitingly at me saying "touch me, strike me, a little harder" (and all the other things buttons commonly say) and I think I'm about to give into temptation. See you on the other side dearest readers. Love/Live Jonathan x

1 comment:

jw said...

So glad to be back in Virtual Lewisland. And not a moment too soon: when did Buttons ever say "touch me, strike me, a little harder"? Not in any panto I went to see. Oh no he didn't. Or are you reading Fifty Shades of Cinderella?

But we love the button for being your friend and taking away the nasty feelings and giving you the chance to sleep, and we forgive and love Alison for topping you up, and we hope that "up to" two weeks is a very small "up". Love you lots, in the deferential way that Pondscum uses in the presence of Greatness xxx