Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Trip Out!

Had an OK night but not pain free.  Had to get up at 0130 to take some drugs but otherwise a trouble free night.

Ma & Pa went of in search of newspapers this morning but managed to come back with my prescription for drainage bottles.  Well done them for showing initiative (and getting away with not paying for the prescription despite not having my pre-payment certificate on hand).

This afternoon though we all took a trip out to.... Sainsburys!  Where we purchased booze and mixers for booze.  Clearly an essential trip therefore.  Managed the drive there and the walk around the supermarket without too many ill effects although I did hurt myself getting in the car - you occasionally catch yourself in an unaccustomed position that uses one of your muscle groups damaged by the surgery and then have spasms of pain shooting across your side.  Luckily it doesn't last too long whilst affording the opportunity for some drama queeny squeals.  We are now all safely back at home watching One Man and His Dog on television.  Yes, really.  And no, I don't know why.

Gill calling round later so will be good to see her and find out how she's getting on with stuff.

Been a beautiful day and Mum has taken advantage of the weather by potting on some of the plants on my terrace for which I'm extremely grateful.  And that's about all for today.  Just waiting now for contact from the hospital to let me know when my results are back.  J x


jw said...

So glad you've had a nice day. And yay for green-fingered mums :o) xxx

NannyOggandGreebo said...

One Man and his Dog? You? Thought you were into Pucci, not Poochy. Did Mrs T tell you I had a new dog? Well, she's a farty old gel from the Dogs' Home, but she has a winsome way with her. We've already had all the 'like pet, like owner' jokes but I'm sure you will find some acerbic remark about me and my faithful hound. Her official show name is Hattie McTwatty but I don't think they'll be filming her on One Man and his Dog any time soon - her tastes (like yours) are slightly more luxurious than sheepskin.
Relieved to know that you've been having some decent sleep and much less pain. Also that you have the company of the Aged Ps. Were the cocktails to celebrate Mrs lewis's birthday, or were you just being frivolous? You dog, you!

Jonathan said...

Moi? Frivolous?