Sunday, September 16, 2012

Receiving Complaints

Yes actual complaints that the blog isn't being updated often enough so here goes...

Another rough night - everything is worse at night - but a not too bad day today. Still in maximum paracetomol but only had 2 doses of morphine so far. It's Sunday so it's been quite quiet although there was a doctors walk-around this morning. A chest x-ray was ordered and done. Presumably they'll look at this in the morning when deciding whether I can go home or not. Fingers crossed I can although I'll need to be shown how to operate this pleural catheter before they discharge me.

Jane & Bill visited this afternoon and brought me lots of lovely stuff and Jim due this evening. He's a bit tardy but everyone underestimates the size of this hospital.... And that's all folks. J x

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

The love affair with the morphine pump is the "one that got away" - I always go all misty eyed when I remember it.

Hoping you'll be out soon.

Love from Andrew and Kathryn xx