Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Bed!

So, Wythenshawe hospital has just telephoned and they've found me a bed on Ward F6.  I'm to check in about 1600.  Not sure whether I'll be able to blog from my bed but I'll text people as and when I can.  Hopefully the op will be fine tomorrow and I'll be out and able to breathe early next week and then we shall see what we shall see.

Oxygen nurses came round yesterday and told me off for not using my oxygen enough.  So I've had in to on all day today which has been a complete pain.  Will be glad to be rid of it for a while.  And hopefully I'll be rid of some of this pain after the op too so I'll be able to sleep.

And that's all I know for now.  Denise will take me in and I will hopefully see some of you as visitors over the next few days.  Fingers crossed...  J x

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