Friday, September 14, 2012

Only When I Laugh

Chicken pix?


Bill and Jane Murray said...

Goodmorning Bebs impressive progress have a fantastic day

fig said...

I'm quite enjoying the flow and tone of these morphine induced entries; I should have thought years ago to get you hooked on something heady and social – other than my good self.

Pleased to hear that things are moving along and that CareGivers ™ are doing their best. I made the hideous mistake of reading the Daily Mail online the other day (purely for work related purposes) and began to think that all staff other than Proper Consultants were a) foreigners who wouldn’t speak English, b) genetically incapable of work and c) ruddy immigrants who’d come to steal our men and drink our warm beer.

Fortunately sense prevailed and I surfed to another site where the world was represented in all its hues (Amazon) and my blood pressure fell.

I’m sending enormo-waves of love from the South Coast and passing on all good wishes of my work colleagues and pals in Brighton (if good wishes were medicine, you’d live forever my darling).

I’m still lightly amused by thinking that Morphine Reservoir would be a good Drag Name, but made myself laugh by thinking that Maureen Resevoir would be even funnier.

I’m rambling.

Love you

Fig x x x