Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who Ate All The Raspberries Part Deux

The guilty have relented and replenished my raspberry stock. And given that I'm feeling loads better today I have just eaten a bowlful of raspberries, yoghurt and chocolate torte (via chick with the choc) very nice it was too. Hopefully will not now throw up.

Sorry if I've worried anyone with my posts on the last couple of days but it really hasn't been easy for me.  I've been sleeping a lot (that's been the best bit to be honest) and whenever I've been awake I've just felt dreadful: ill, bad taste in my mouth, foul smell in my nose, aches and pains etc i.e. nothing dramatic but when combined together things that make one feel thoroughly miserable and unwell.  In addition, having stopped the "gold standard" anti-sickness drug and reverted to good old metachlopromide I've had one night where I was up and down trying to be sick but incapable of being so.  On the gold standard, I didn't even have the desire to try.

But luckily this morning I feel like I've turned a corner and I feel a lot "better" today (I'll be interested to hear from my fellow chemo-pals if this chimes with their experience). Hence the appetite. To be honest I think the Ensure Plus diet is going to turn out to be an advantage for the bad periods as it allows for the taking on of quite a lot of calories with minimal effort.  Even so I have lost more weight and am now down to near 11 stone. Hopefully I can use this new period to build myself up a bit.

I'm also feeling very weak and get out of breath quite easily and so need to take things slowly (I have to sit down for 10 minutes even after a shower!). This does make me wonder whether a return to work will ever happen. But that process is all in train and we'll just have to see where we end up.

It's back to the hospital tomorrow for a top-up chemo shot. Please God it doesn't have the same effect as the last one. I'll let you know.

Throughout this all Denise has been my rock and continues to call in and deliver my paper every morning. So frankly, we can forgive a few raspberries.... :-) J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Oh you snitch! Poor Denise, she must be worth her weight in raspberries, or even in vodka which, as we know, is your standard measurement of worthiness..glad you are feeling so much better, dear boy. Let's hope the rest of the chemo doesn't have such a bad effect or that you can sleep through the worst bits. That whole feeling/being sick business must be hateful, especially as it isn't caused by some joyous night on the tiles.
Big hug, Nanny x

maggie said...

Hi J, all symptoms sound very familiar to me :) Fortunately, the worst of them only last for about 3days - in my case it was day 3, 4 and 5 after the treatment. You can cope with 3 days every 3 weeks if after it you're going to feel better than you did before you started the treatment. Did they say you'd lose your hair? They told me to the day when my would go and they were right. They also said it would grow back, which as you know it did, but there's always the fear that you may be the exception to the rule! Oh, and Ev will confirm this - if you DO lose it, it will probable grow back curly ;) Take care, J, and see you soon. Off to the Forest of Dean tomorrow for a few days R&R. Mx