Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Chemo MinusTwo

Two days to go before it all kicks off.  Today was spent very pleasantly meeting Jane for coffee this morning and then going to see Skyfall with Gill this evening.  Great to see Jane as not seen her for a while.  She was rather shocked by how much weight I had lost and the fact that I had no colour in my face when I arrived at the coffee shop.  She isn't the first to comment on this but it seems all the blood drains from my face when I walk into town.  I still find it difficult - more difficult I think than it was a couple of weeks ago.  Hopefully the chemo will help with this.  Caught a taxi home.

Not seen Gill for absolutely ages as she has been ill of late (colds and possible chest infections) but is better now.  Luckily she picked me up in the car to take me to the cinema and then dropped me back so I didn't need to walk anywhere :-).  Skyfall is a good Bond film.  All the requisite car chases and explosions and Daniel looks gorgeous.  Nothing much to distinguish it from the other Bond films though although the suggestion that Bond has had homosexual experiences in his past was a surprise as, indeed, was the ending.  And Javier Bardem is a superb Bond villain.

Big day tomorrow - take up duty as an extra on Coronation Street. Its only one scene though (and no lines) but I'll let you all know when its due to air so that you can tune in.  Hopefully it will take my mind off Thursday.  I'l post after that to let you know how it went.

That's all for now.  Night.  J x


maggie said...

Good luck on Corrie. Don't break a leg, whatever you do :)

fig said...

Will we be getting an explanation of how this background artiste business came about?

fig x