Friday, November 23, 2012


So it was Bryn's funeral today so never going to be easy. Denise picked me up in our car at 1200 with Chris and Dave already ensconced in the back.   It was the first time I'd seen them since my diagnosis but today wasn't the day to talk of this.  We picked Jude up on the way and arrived at Michele's at 1230 for drinks prior to following the cortège to the crematorium. I, of course, can't drink for the three days covering my chemotherapy so I took over the driving at this point. (How the hell I'm supposed to keep up my weight with these sort of restrictions is anyone's guess).

Apropos of nothing, Come Dine With Me is on the telly and it's coming from Swansea so it's like a double dose of hell. I've pressed record because I know there's nothing DD or Michele enjoy more than a double dose of Come Dine With Me hell.  One of the contestants has just said "If its good enough for Joan Collins, it's good enough for me". Nuff said.

There were hundreds of people at the crematorium, suitable testimony, were it needed, of how much Bryn was loved.  The thing about Bryn is that if you met him once I don't think you'd like him.  If you met him twice you'd see through the gruff exterior to the really genuine and lovely person he actually was.  Five people spoke about Bryn. Jude was first and had written a poem.  I'll confess here that when I heard that she was to read a poem of her own composition I didn't really know what to expect but she knocked my socks off.  It was funny, meaningful, sincere, genuine and summed Bryn up perfectly. Good on you girl.  Next was Dave, Bryn's business partner and he talked to us about Bryn's business life - most of which I didn't know. Then Gordon, a long time friend of Bryn and brother to Chris who was in the car on the journey, talked about some of Bryn's exploits - again, most of which I hadn't heard about.  And then it was Denise's turn.  Denise had talked through her speech with me a number of times beforehand as she wanted me to take over the delivery if she broke down on the day. She didn't. She was superb - composed, clear, funny and sincere. She delivered her "best man's speech" which worked really well because it allowed her to also talk about Michele as well which everyone there really appreciated I thought. Finally, the humanist minister read out some words that Michele had written which were moving beyond my power to express.

I didn't go to the wake because I was quite tired. Instead I came home and dozed on the sofa until about half an hour ago when I woke up and decided to play with my new iPad. Yay.  J x

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