Friday, July 28, 2006

Rain Rain Go Away

Another bright and sunny day here oop North. However, having decided to brave the Tatton Park concert tomorrow, the forecast is for rain. Bloody typical. Would not normally attempt such a night out but Jane (gawd bless 'er) has said that she'll bring me home early if needs be. Hurrah for Jane (and Bill of course).

Not felt as good today as I did yesterday. Not sure why. Nothing to do with my visitor though because it was really good to see Jim who I haven't seen for a while. J x

1 comment:

newcastlewench said...

Down in somerset at the min staying with my dad and guess what it's hooooooottttttt. Drove to the north devon coasttoday and guess what it was hooooootttttt. After tea yesterday we drove out to Weston Super Mare to walk on the pier in the dark and yesss it was COLD! And WSM is obviously a cultural hub because not only are they being visited by Joe Pasquale and Jim Davidson BUT ALSO - Val Doonican. It made me want to put a ribbon in my hair and sit on the floor by a rocking chair going 'ooooooaaaaah, la la la', except I bet he's already got his girlies for the tour. And we had candy floss twisted onto the stick as it's spun (not the souless stuff prepacked in the bag), and those freshly cooked doughnuts that taste so yummy as they fur your arteries. Three cheers for the glorious tackiness of the british seaside but oh can it be NOT AS HOT....
Hope the concert went well and you felt well enough to enjoy it. Rain is miserable, but there's always such a lovely smell when it's rained onto warm ground, so inhale and enjoy!