Saturday, July 08, 2006


Guys, how can I ever thank you enough? I'm overwhelmed by your gift. I promise not to spend it wisely. In fact I shall probably blow the whole amount on one of those gorgeous to look at but ridiculously expensive garden books. Or maybe something on fashion with lots of pretty frocks/boys/boys in frocks in it. Or what about a master class in how to bake lemon slices cook book? There must also be a few Terry Pratchett's I need to catch up on. And the odd Stephen Donaldson. Oooooh. I don't know where to start but trust me when I say I'm looking forward to many a happy browsing hour in Waterstones. Once again, thank you so much. A person couldn't ask for a nicer bunch of friends. J x


Bloggerhead said...

Hello Jonathan
not been on your blog for ages as my hubby has had a TIA (mini stroke) but happily seems OK now he has joined the pill club.

Just wanted to say that i read an article in the newspaper about Manuka honey from New Zealand being really good for stopping infection in throat cancer patients and apparently Christies are trialling it and have imported some to to use clinically.

Excuse me if you already know this or are iondeed using it but i just thought it may sooth the soreness as well as the antseptic qualities. If I'm interfering ignore me.

Did you see Dr Who? I cried like a baby, I'm certain he did love her because he had tears in his eyes. Mind you so diod Gazza, and David Beckham.... so who knows?


Jonathan said...

I was offered a place on the honey trial but having thought about it decided to decline the offer on account of the sugar in the honey might rot my teeth. Since I only have a few of those left now they were a greater priority. You also only had a 50/50 chance of getting the honey rather than a placebo sugar solution. Having decided I wouldn't take part in the trial Christies telephoned me to say i wasn't eligible anyway!

Bloggerhead said...

OK as long as you are up to speed, think that books and sales are just as likely to increase healing, spending always does it for me !
