Tuesday, January 07, 2014

Being Put Forward For Trial

Yay. First step of many between here and actually being infused with the wonder drug though. And may never get there anyway even if all steps negotiated safely (just a 50/50 chance between wonder drug and usual chemotherapy). But it's a start. And I'm happy. Will update you on progress as it happens... 

The next two hurdles are - 

1.  Is all the paperwork up to date so that The Christie can "host" the trial? Dr Yvonne thinks they will sort this out successfully in time for the trial "opening" tomorrow. She will phone me tomorrow to confirm. 

2. Is there enough of my malignant "material" on hand from previous biopsies. She thinks so and, even if there isn't, it's easy enough for them to go back in and retrieve more. Obviously I would prefer this not to happen...  

That's all for now. Thank you to the lovely Michele for taking notes. J x


Castlewench said...

Hi o great one, am going to be in Manchester next Wednesday/Thursday, are you available for a visitor from the east? Email me jacky.w@virgin.net xx

fig said...

I am really pleased; this is such a positive step and a really good piece of news.

My fingers and various maleable parts of my anatomy are crossed for you x x x

fig x

Kathryn said...

This is excellent news, as you now know the shape of the next few months and can plan a bit more concretely. Fingers crossed you'll be on the wonder drug half of the trial. We'll be thinking about you.