Thursday, September 05, 2013

Happy Birthday To Me

Happy Birthday To Me. Happy Birthday Dear Meeeee-eeeee, Happy Birthday To Me. I'm 52 today everyone.  Hope you all sang along.

Thank you all for the lovely cards that arrived early. More will arrive later (yippee) but that will be after I've been for my first radiotherapy session so I'll blog about those later.  Some notable mentions already - 

Michele, who has kindly sent me not one, not two but three cards.  A mixture of funny and beautiful.  Just like herself.

Manchester Mum and Dad for the inclusion of a Groupon Voucher for a vodka tasting session.  Really made me laugh and I'm looking forward to it immensely.

Sara for the dress your own statue of David.  That man really should be sporting some stylish accessories, I agree.

Fig for his beautiful picture of eggs and apology about what else is to arrive (it hasn't yet).  Getting worried now.... :-) 

Sarah for the beautiful handmade card.  She is really very clever and very artistic.

And I got so excited about all the above that I've cocked up my pills and had an Ensure Plus before I took my stomach lining tablet (to protect me from the steroids). Oh well, I'm sure it won't do too much harm just this once if they're taken out of sequence.  

Hilda arriving later to clean so I better get on with tidying up.  Thanks again all, see you after the session.  J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Dear me, time for new specs. Misread that gift as a Grope-on Voucher and was wondering where to buy them....

Happy birthday old fruit