Monday, September 30, 2013

Back Still Painful

Had a dentist appointment this morning and had to be helped out of the chair because the pain was so bad.  But it's not bad all the time.  It seems to be worse if I've been lying down and attempt to get up. I can manage it from the sofa or bed by rolling onto my side and pushing myself up with my hands.  I couldn't do this from a prone position on the dentist's chair because there was no room to roll onto my side.  Still the lovely Lance was there to assist and I got a hug into the bargain :-) Every cloud.....

Otherwise taking things quietly today.  Probably won't make it to Book Club tonight.  And I've not read the book anyway.  Indeed I have no idea what the book even is.  I'm a terrible Book Club member.  Will try and establish this month's book so I can take it to Ibiza with me.  

DD moved in this morning. And then disappeared and I haven't seen her since.  Still it's Coronation Street on the telly tonight.  I'm sure she'll be back for that. That's all. J x


fig said...

Morning! Hope you are feeling a bit better today.We are off to Berlin today so will salute your back with large beers and a sausage or two ... (suitable veggie alternative for Mark natch).

fig x x x x x x x

NannyOggandGreebo said...

No Time for Goodbye by Lynwood Barclay (Sue/Erica apparently suggested this one) is the next book followed by American Wife by Curtis Sittenfeld. The Book Thief after that which I know you have already read and enjoyed.

Perhaps we should organise our next meeting at some more upmarket hostelry which serves vodka-sodden lasagne followed by vodka jelly?
Enjoy your holiday and I hope the back pain subsides soon, my dear. x