Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Drunk Update

So, I've been watching catch up TV with DD and a curry.  Clearly this has involved alcohol.  So I'm in no state to give you a full review of everything that has happened however I can talk about today.  It's been agreed that I'll have two sets of radiotherapy. Each course will be 5 days long and there will be a week's break between the two. Side effects will hopefully be minimum but let's see what develops.  

Am feeling OK at the moment (steroids have helped and I'm drunk - what more can one ask for?). But I have clinic with Yvonne tomorrow (we love her) followed by a 'planning session' for the radiotherapy the following day at The Christie. Radiotherapy will then start at 1110 on Thursday   As I say I'll sort h all out at a later date.

But Chimerica deserves its reviews. Really good.  I love Headlong theatre.... J x

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