Saturday, September 28, 2013

Back Pain

So my back pain has got a lot worse. But that's to be expected - the radiotherapy keeps on working for a week or so after you stop treatment.  And I'm dropping the steroids on alternate days. Ibuprofen helps more than paracetamol but I can't take too much of it in case it gives me stomach ulcers.  Medicinal vodka and tequila helped last night too - got drunk over a superb tomato sauce and pasta thing I made. DD was round for our Coronation Street fest - 5 episodes!

Earlier in the day went to a Macmillan coffee morning organised by Gill in Albert Bridge House. They will have raised over £2000 by the time all the money is counted and Gift Aid sorted. Well done her. Had a good chat with Alan too. Then went for a lovely meal and catch up with Gill in Cafe Istanbul.  Arranged to go and see Rush with her next week.

And in a combination of the two previous stories, Jude informs me that the Coronation Street cast and crew raised over £1700 at their Macmillan coffee morning which is great news. 

Also met up with Bill for a beer in The Oast House (I take back all I said about the place, it's actually quite nice). Good to see him and find out all about the new kitchen. 

Today will consist in the main of me lying on the sofa feeling sorry for myself apart from lunch out with DD and Gwen. Think we're going to Felicinis. I may blog later too when I'm on the "medicine".... I know how you all look forward to my medicinal blogging :-) J x

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