Sunday, June 04, 2006

Sunday Ho Hum

Not done anything (in any sense!). Will obviously have to take more laxitives tonight.

Mouth is virtually dry and uncomfortable. Apparently one's mouth produces 2 types of saliva. One of a watery consistency from saliva glands in the upper part of the mouth and one of a thicker consistency in the lower part of the mouth. Unfortunately the radiotherapy knocks out the watery ones leaving one with a mouth that feels dry but gradually fills with a thick viscous liquid. I know, yuck. The only way to deal with this is to brush one's teeth regularly and drink lots of water. Of course, having to brush my teeth regularly nicely coincides with me developing dental pain! Oh the joys of cancer, I could go on and on.... J x


fig said...

What is all this 'Percy' business? I must have missed something. Spent Friday at Mark and Debbies Wedding - and Saturday recovering and socialising at a BBQ. AH! Was Percy a horse? In the Derby? Powers of detection - One. Powers of Darkness - Nil.

Thought the OOD were goood in Doctor Who. Very devilish shenanigans going on.

Jon, your mouth thing sound horrible. Can you drink booze? A nice Sancerre might wash the gunk away. mmmmmm.

Wasn't Summer nice?

newcastlewench said...

You need something to make your mouth water. Pics of firemen will follow under separate cover this evening. (I've never yet managed to find any pics of firemen playing volleyball in the station yard wearing those oh-so-tight navy Tshirts - but for you I'll have another look. Just for you, you understand - no personal interest at all..... mmmmm firemen...)
They will have to be city firemen, as those are younger and firm. Rural firemen tend to be older and look like the Trumpton fire brigade (but fine upstanding people nonetheless).