Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Rough as...

...anything. Having spent the past week with people telling me how well I look I now feel like crap. Unfortunately, my near perfect genes mean that I still look gorgeous. Isn't life unfair?

Threw up last night and again this morning and now have (even) more drugs from Christies. Honestly my kitchen wouldn't look out of place in Columbia. Christies also told me I'm too thin. Actually, they didn't tell me that. No-one has ever told me that. They did say however that they would prefer me to stop losing weight otherwise my mask won't fit properly and they'll end up treating the wrong bits. Now having to "eat" more. Never thought anyone would tell me that either (apart from my Mum and that incident involved a piece of beef but I don't think we need to dwell on that episode).

Have had to cancel all visitors for the forseeable. Sorry. Will let you now when next I'm "at home". Mr Lewis regrets that he's unable to lunch today, Madam.

Congrats to Mr H, by the way.on his honour. Does this make Margaret a Dame? TTFN. J x

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