Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Is it on? Just a quickie to let you all know I'm still alive but, once again, experiencing problems of the blog kind. Still being intermittently sick (the latest bout caused by champagne - how ironic is that?). My white blood cell count is also about to plummet (a result of the chemotherapy) so if I tell you that you can't come round please don't take offence I'm just trying to keep myself alive (oh, and of course, remaining a drama queen!). Love to you all out there in blog land though. J x


NannyOggandGreebo said...

Yes, the blog is on, and drinking champagne, dear? Good for you,it will probably bolster your white blood cell count immensely.

Sorry to hear still feeling sick and totally understand the need to keep away from germ-ridden visitors.

Hope you have been taking advantage of the lovely weather to sit on your terrace but if you start talking to your plants a la Prince Charles, we'll have to have severe words.

Missed the Kevin book discussion tonight though would have had plenty to say and so would you. Am enjoying Confessions of a Failed Southern Lady and think you would appreciate it.

Look after yourself, doll
Nanny x

Darth Vader said...

Now thats a good excuse for when you want to stay in with your PJs on and having a bad hair day...

Weather is boiling here and I have just trailed up to St Anns Square and then the dreadful Arndale to buy 6 ipod nanos for prizes for an event we are having over the next couple of days. Cleaned Currys out. And then the pillock (did I really say that?) in training has just rang and said "You know when I said 6 what I actually meant was 8!!"

I know I can say this in safe company... Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cant do the BB thing - I end up reclining the new reclining sofa so far back in an effort to get away from it all (the one with the slightly curly hair - is it Grace?? she sooooooooooooooooooooo needs a smack in the mouth or a whack with a wet fish) that I will soon end up flat on my back.

Anyway much love as usual J - Nanny and I planning visit but feel free to tell us to shove off - I have the skin of a rhino since meeting Pen.