Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Yum Yum

Cherry yoghurt. Ate the whole thing, no problems. Will stick with tummy feeding until after the radiotherapy though and just have the occasional taste treat. Will post an update from home tomorrow when I should have a better idea of my treatment programme and also can then make some decisions about visiting etc. Feeling happy today though. Would like to take this opportunity to thank people for the bag of herbs and the small empty box. J x


fig said...

Cherry Yoghurt - yummy yumkins. Now then, do you think you'll be able to work up to a mini-fruity trifle at some stage?

By the by, what's the SP on the consumption of alcohol? I can't be pouring Veuve Clicquot down yer tube can I?

Katrina said...

Hi Jonathon,
Two things I need to know......
1)Are you home now?
2)Can Fig pour Veuve Clicquot down your tube?
(It would be good if he could, as I've felt for sometime now that he could do with a hobby)
And on the subject of Fig...don't listen to him when he suggests I'm not a genuine Dr Who fan. I'll 'ave you know I'm a right proper enthuisiast and no mistake!
Lots of love and sweet dreams of cherry yoghurt,
Katrina xxx