Saturday, April 01, 2006

There's Always A Price

Macaroni cheese was scrummy. And I didn't have too much. Nor too much of the ice cream afterwards. Nor too much of the wine and coffee. So how come my tummy hurts? I blame those people in the endoscopy unit. Not content with making me wait an extra day for the peg I now think they did strange and unnatural things to me whilst I was sedated (given that I was sedated I probably joined in wholeheartedly with the strange and unnatural things but they're professionals - they should have known better than to encourage me). My dreams have been haunted lately by strange images of people playing doctor and nurses games. Its horrible I tell you. Whatever happened to the strange games the doctors and doctors used to play in my dreams? Anyway off for a kip now with Dr Drake Ramorey and Dr Who (but can you guess which one?). Night J x P.S. Had a cry today too because I'm quite scared (sorry but you get the warts and all on this blog, not just the nice stuff)


newcastlewench said...

I don't see you as a Sylvester McCoy kind of bloke, so it has to be Ecclestone. Although there was briefly Paul McGann - terrible excrescence (sp?) of a film, but when all's said and done he is a McGann (or rather, a mmmmmmMcGann) which has to count for something.

Crying is natural, specially when the world is too big. I imagine several dozen Virtual Hands are coming out the screen handing you Virtual Kleenex - I know mine is one of them. (((hugs))) xxxxx

fig said...

I bet it was Jon Pertwee. Nice Young/Old face, benign patriarchal manner, posh and reassuring. Plus capes!... though if it was a horrible dream it was probably. The Wet Vet (Peter Davison - yuk).

Tears? Well that is perfectly understandble, I was on the verge the entire weekend I spent with you and I'm not even poorly. Scared for you, concerned for you, all sorts of love bursting out everywhere... . Oh Bum,I've set myself off again now.

Ahem (gives self a slap and pulls self together)So, yes. It will all be fine, just a some Doctors poking about and going 'Oooh, look, I've never seen one like that before' - whilst you are under the fog of anasthetic. If you get a label on the end of your bed when you wake up saying 'I wished I'd rouged my knees' you'll know what they've been up too...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha (Miss Gulch)

x x x x x