Thursday, April 20, 2006

Now They Tell Me

Turns out there could be 2 swallows going on tomorrow. One done with a camera up my nose and down my throat whilst the other invlovves barium and X-Rays. None of them involve a general anaesthetic though so not too worried. Also want to thank the senders of the CD and the Wizard of Oz picture. Thanks guys. J x

1 comment:

Bloggerhead said...

Hi Jonathan, just got your blogg from Penn and have created a fairly lame blog ( for the book group, so hopefully you can dip in and out for some intellectual tomfoolery as and when you feel up to it.

I do hope the swallow test goes to plan and that soon you can enjoy a "late" Easter complete with chocolate eggs and all manner of your favourite goodies.

Tried the JD and Cock and can highly reccommend it.....

Love Dulcie