Monday, April 03, 2006


0640 Fingers crossed everyone please. Hopefully see you all soon. Lots of love. J x


fig said...


Here I am at work, thinking of you, sending you my warmest love, best thoughts and everything crossed.

Positive vibes to Young Sean and his team.

Loving you

fig x x x

sassynklassy said...

Well, I guess i got curious one day and decided to read other blogs. I came upon this one, and yes, have made it a point to check in on you Jonathan.
Although you dont know me, I am sending warm wishes and good thoughts to you today, all the way from Atlanta Georgia....
I look forward to hearing all the details and catching a peek of the open hospital gown...
Best of Luck!!!

Katrina said...

Big love, big hugs, big positive vibes.
Katrina xxx

Darth Vader said...

Sent an email J but trying this out as well. Back in an upright position and sending you much love and good thoughts.


newcastlewench said...

Please end the blackout! I'm on the other side of the pennines so am out of the loop for news. Does anyone know how things went and how The Star is? DD's post suggests that some people know something - if anyone knows, could they share? Pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease?

(Since Monday morning I am down to my last unchewed fingernail.... & was hoping to save that for my PMA.....)

newcastlewench said...

Thanks all - final nail saved!!

J - warm huggy waves for the start of the long hard slog.....

newcastlewench said...

Last fingernail gone, am working down to the knuckles now. Come on Jonathan, the anaesthetist might be cute but couldnt youjust give him your phone number? Mr & Mrs L - thinking of you lots. He owes you bigstyle when he comes out - washing up till 2018 at least.

newcastlewench said...

janeandbillmurray - yes please, will look for you on the GAL tomorrow & email u at work. If I'm unlikely to find you, email me at with some clues.

See J - you're using up system resources at work now, that's gotta be a C&D matter.

newcastlewench said...

Yes i got your email - thanks so much for being the point of contact.

newcastlewench said...

The poor lamb... (note to self - may ONLY attempt to patronise JL when he's safely sedated - do not try this at any other time)... he must be feeling so demoralised .

Anything we can do as a boost for him? His own plan involves magazines but I presume at the min with all the tubes and drugs and stuff he's not at that stage yet? Something lik: flood him with tacky cute teddy bears which will make him shudder (and which can be donated to the childrens ward on the day he walks out of the hosp) - but which he can see from his bed and laugh and shudder at the hideous pink chenille (etc)creations arriving daily?

Or something else, to send him from the four corners of the kingdom to remind him that although he's the one who has to fight, we're still cheering him on from the sidelines? Something unusual and Jonathan-ish?