Sunday, April 02, 2006

You Guys

1800 Shucks. What did I ever do to deserve you lot? Thank you so much for all the messages. They really help. Now back in hospital and mum and dad have just left. Its quite noisy though as Sunday seems to be a popular visiting day. 2 new patients as far as I can see. One sniffy queen directly opposite who I've taken an instant and irrational dislike to. Diagonally opposite is somone from Salford (judging by the fact that every visitor is wearing a track suit). I think he's in as a ruse so that his family can scout for body parts to sell from their market stall. Supper tonight was curried vegetables. I think its the hospital's way of getting you to look forward to nutritional supplements... Will try and post again before bed and then a (not) final message in the morning (Drama queen? Moi?). J x

1 comment:

NannyOggandGreebo said...

Hey sweetie

At last darling daughter has deciphered for me the mysteries of blogging and am able to post.
Sorry you're feeling down in the dumps (and sleeping in them, too, if your Salford companion is anything to go by!)
Luckily, lack of teeth or any other valuable body part will not change the essential you, nor how we all see you - so sell him your teeth if you he needs them, poor devil - bad enough he lives in Salford.
Never mind final messages, dear boy;it's not time for the Capt Oates routine.
Wish I could put something snappy and witty like Fig's lyrics but can only send you best love and positive vibes like your other friends. The Bionic Man and I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Love you lots
Penny xxxx

Hello Jonno

Not overly sure why my mother decided that I should be known to the internet community as a randy one-eyed tomcat - however that is progressive parenting for you (or a lot of drugs in the 60's). Will be thinking about you tomorrow, and sending positive vibes to 'young shaun'. I am looking forward to seeing your newly sculpted cheekbones shortly!

Lots of love

Kerry xxx