Monday, February 03, 2014

A Jolly Weekend

So it was off to Nottingham on Saturday night in the Jag accompanied by my good friend Denise.  We stayed with Chris & Dave who have a beautiful house in the suburbs (actually in "Arnold" which seems an odd name for a suburb). We spent Saturday night getting rather drunk and I'm afraid, dear readers, that I retired rather early, unable to stand the pace, and left them to it (until about 0300 in the morning apparently). Sunday morning was rather a subdued affIair therefore - only livened up by my throwing up in the toilet!  But we had a lovely lunch at Harts and then I drove home and DD and I parted company and went our separate ways. 

Today is all about Macmillan paperwork (just as soon as I've had my shower) and then tea with Lesley in town this evening which will also be lovely. I shall be consuming a meal involving lobster I've decided.  Because I've never eaten lobster so far and I feel like I should.

I'm sad to report that the increased dosages of pain relief do not appear to be working particularly well but I'll discuss this with the doctors (should I see a doctor) on Wednesday.  That's all. J x

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