Thursday, February 13, 2014

What A Nice Young Man

So had a lovely chat with Alex this morning. He was the Medical Uni student assigned to me (they were everywhere on the ward today so not just me being singled out). He listened more than he talked which is, of course, what every good health care provider should do. So I told him my story. Pretty much all of it so, as you can imagine, he's a very good listener indeed!

Also gave him blog address so he'll be checking back later to make sure I've been nice about him. He also asked permission to circulate it round other medical students which I said I'd be happy for him to do so either I'll be swamped, or trolled or they'll show the same level of apathy around commenting that the rest of you do! 

Sean and Debbie also came up to see me. Honestly if I could sweep those two up in my arms along with Dr Yvonne. And Nurse Jackie and Sister Leslie over at Wythenshawe of course and hug them and squeeze them all at the same time I would. 

Steroids still seem to be working (hence above bounciness and relative pain- freeness). More later (didn't really have anything to say but I didn't want Alex to visit the site and go away disappointed that he hadn't been mentioned :-)

Oh, and finally, the last thing any health care provider should say when they leave a patient is: "Is there anything else I can help you with?" Because until they've done that, they haven't finished their job. J x


maggie said...

Good to hear you sounding more cheerful than when you first went on the ward. Are you being discharged tomorrow? My sore throat/cough (hacking)/cold is almost better so can now visit without fear of leaving you in a worse condition than I find you. Saturday perhaps? I'll clear it with DD. Take care. Mx

fig said...

Well this all sounds positive. And on that note, Happy Valentines Day. Thank you for your Hermes homily, that was lovely. You will probably have been deluged with valentine cards, but do take note that one might be from me (obvs it'd be wrong to confirm that as they are supposed to be anonymous. but... whatevs)

I like the name Alex by the way; I had a teenage fling with a nice young man called Alex (he's married to a lady now and has children) and he was simply delicious. sigh. memories. I hope your Alex is as boyishly promising since there's nothing lovelier to be cared for by someone crush-worthy.

I see from the news that most of Manchester is submerged or has been blown away. Ces't La Vie. We are travelling to Hereford today so I expect we will see some devastation, misery and fear ... but that's the problem with being near Wales.
