Wednesday, August 14, 2013


So today has been OK pain-wise.  I've no idea why it was bad last night but its been merely "uncomfortable" today.  I can cope with that without getting all scary and drama queeny.  I've now also had the date through for my CT scan which just leaves the brain scan to be confirmed.

Had lunch with the fragrant Lucy today.  She is really good value and, as a bonus, paid for lunch. Yay. Big fan of feminism.  And talking of the F word, why are the sisters all getting their metaphorical knickers in a twist (I'm sure they've all burnt their actual knickers)?  Seems that modern feminism is too white and too middle class. Well whose fault is that?  Is it the fault of white middle class women who actually speak up and articulate on behalf of women generally (I'm fairly sure they don't exclude working class - and what does that mean anyway today - nor women of colour)? What else are they supposed to do?  Stay quiet?  Or is it the fault of the working class women and women of colour who aren't speaking up and making use of social media (this has all blown up following the #twittwrsilence campaign around rape and violence threats against women on twitter)?  Answers on a postcard please... (Even if its only to say keep your middle class, white, male nose out of all this). Anyway, the point I was making was that it was nice of Lucy to pay for lunch.  Piccolinos for those who were wondering.

Talked to the fragrant Mrs T today too. She got the job she was going for (and who could have ever doubted that she would) and so is happy with more regular hours than the Co-op could offer.  She will of course have to manage a troop of old biddie volunteers and I don' t envy her that task at all.  I predict a lot of shouting and repetition - not only because that is Mrs T's management style but also because she'll need to make sure they've heard what she's said. (Watch the comments section for reaction to this paragraph!)

Now I need to make a big decision.  Am I going to stay up to catch sight of the Paxman Beard (Twitter has been giddy about this all day today) in which case I can probably treat myself to a vodka (can't remember the last time I had one) or do I have an early night on account of the fact that I have lots of paperwork to do to tomorrow...? If there's a posting later that makes no grammatical sense whatsoever and is a bit sweary then you'll know which decision I arrived at.  Otherwise, see you all tomorrow. That's all. J x


spotsrus said...

AS IF I would over react , as said AS iF I Would even react ....,,

Jonathan said...

:-) Love you honey. Mwahs. J x