Saturday, August 31, 2013

Fuck Me Bollocks

For all those people telling me to get out there and talk to people I'd just like to say that I did that tonight.  I got talking to a really nice guy who, it turns out, stole my fucking phone. Fucking cunt.  Fucking, fucking cunt.  I can't believe that happened to me. Fucking cunt (hopefully you're getting a sense of how pissed off I am). Why would someone be really nice to you and then steal your fucking phone.  Now I have to do a whole load of stuff tomorrow that I hadn't planned for (pretty much like the local GP stuff today). God I hate that.  I've already cancelled my phone with Orange tonight and there was a password on the phone anyway but that's not the point.  He was really nice and he was really nice to me.  Fucking cunt.  Cunt. Cunt. Cunt.  God. I'm never having sex again. I don't care what Fig says.  Fucking cunt. 

But anyway, cancer has come back so I've that to deal with anyway.  Never mind some bastard stealing my phone.  God. How stupid am I?  I actually allowed myself to believe that someone was interested in me. I hate everything right now. Please don't respond to this posting as I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.  God. I just want to throw things and break things. Fucking cunt.  

J x 


Joolz said...

The slimy bastard. So sorry Jonathan. Sometimes I really hate people. X

sarah h. said...

Bloody horrible end to what had been a really lovely evening. Damn.