Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I definitely need to be more gay than I am currently

I think. Answers on a post card.  J x


fig said...

You need to be more gay?

Several things strike me;

1) Don’t blame a lack of sex on your sexuality. You’ve been poorly and your previous physical confidence has taken a bash; it takes time to return; get yourself out and about on your own, go to a bar, chat to people. You are beautiful; things will happen.

2) Don’t rely solely on booze for a good time. Yep, it’s self medication. Yep, it’s a tonic. Yep, you (and I … and everyone I know) uses it rather than seeing it as a treat. It’s called Being English (and don’t give me, ‘but I’m Welsh’).

3) You signal your sexuality in many ways; stereotypically you like labels, theatre, have ‘taste’, enjoy interior decorating, put value on friendships, take pride in your appearance. Bonking isn’t the be all and end all of being gay … you know this. You are a good, kind and thoughtful person with lots to offer. You should look in the mirror and see someone who is loved … not someone with a hangover.

4) We both stopped drinking for a month once. We were so bored. Don’t do that … but maybe drink less? Perhaps not nightly?

5) I did a survey at work last week … as did my colleagues … apparently we are all ‘drinking harmful amounts’ … our reaction? Laughter. You are not alone.

6) You are an intelligent and attractive man. You have a cutting wit, a spookily accurate memory and ice blue eyes, that pierce the night. You are also gay; its part of you, not all of you.

7) Never heard of grindr?

NannyOggandGreebo said...

8) You have a very wise young friend